Thursday, May 24, 2012

A touch of class in event decor in a place where you would least expect it!

So where is the place that almost always gets overlooked for event decor, but is one place 99% of your guests are certain to visit?
In my former life as a Sydney Event Manager, we came across clever girl Helen who had set up Oh de toilette, stylists for the, well....the washroom....providing a touch of luxury where guests least expect it.  It was my favourite gigs that we used the services of Oh de toilette - for the finer detail enriching the whole experience of attending a very special event...beautiful soaps, towels, perfume and for the very special touch, an attendant, to ensure the nature of the washroom remains equally as luxurious as the party venue itself throughout the entire event.
If you don't have the six star event budget, styling the loo is as simple as some flowers, nice fluffy towels and good quality loo paper....for a unique touch to the tail end, I love this Renova Loo paper - the ultimate in stretching your event decor to the finer detail.
And finally, I can't finish without a plug for our little creations....stylise the bathroom mirror with one of our garlands, the mirrors reflection will love it, as will your guests (and your client) for its the finer detail in the least expected places which gives the most enriching sure to check out our range in our online stores.

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