Monday, July 26, 2010

Juggling someone elses business

I haven't posted for quite some time, the end of financial year accounts and marketing for my hubbys landscape business have taken over and I have had my hands full with Mr 6 month old Oscar, of course~!
The good news is I am back to a more healthy approach to my diet and lifestyle, giving me more energy to juggle all my duties and more. Cooking lots of sugar free, wholesome foods and taking lots of potions including Molasses and Kelp - I feel amazing!!!
So. Red Elephant, White Elephant has come to a little bit of a pause...however from this has developed more creative ideas which are vested in my own interests, Gardening.
Last Friday, Hubby extended the vege garden, building a great colonial style wire and post vege garden fence...complete with pretty gate. So my nights have been spent with researching complimentary plating and redesigning the garden beds and planning what will go in them for the spring season.
Time is an illusion, I just need to alighn the frame of mind to harness this illusion and achieve more in my days, now...wheres that baby crawled to?

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